速報APP / 商業 / Admin app for WooCommerce

Admin app for WooCommerce





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Hoodi Circle, Bangalore Tel : +9180 49576617 Mobile :+91 8073253788

Admin app for WooCommerce(圖1)-速報App

admin app for WooCommmerce is Beautiful app connects to your WooCommerce store and lets you see Sales, Orders reports and charts. Lets you add, edit, update and delete Products, Categories, Coupons Etc. Just download this app and connect your WooCommerce store. Your store data Product, Categories, Orders etc are automatically imported and synched


- See total revenue, orders, sales, top-sellers, new customers etc

- View trends of week, current month, last month and current year

- View Charts Sales, Revenue, Orders, Top Sellers, Customers Etc


- Quickly see list of all orders with order number, customers details, date and status

- Update status of an oder

Admin app for WooCommerce(圖2)-速報App

- See summary of orders with customer info, order status and product info and payment and shipping details

- Create new order, select product from shop and add to cart, choose customer before placing order


- View complete details of your products with name, thumbnail, price etc

- Edit and update product name, category, price, status, description etc

- Quickly view in-stock and out of stock status of products

- Quickly Add or Delete a product


Admin app for WooCommerce(圖3)-速報App

- View complete details of your categories with name, thumbnail and product count

- Edit and update category name, description, parent etc

- Quickly Add or Delete a category


- View complete details of your coupons, its usage, date added etc

- Edit and update coupon name, description, categories, Usage limit amount etc

- Quickly Add or Delete a coupon


Admin app for WooCommerce(圖4)-速報App

- Quickly see list of all customers, Add new customers, View customer details, Edit customer details and delete customers


- View Categories and associated products. Change grid view and list view with product thumbnail, name, price and description

- View Product details with name, price, short description and description

- View Product Reviews

- View Product image with image sliders


- View cart, view cart items, add products to cart, delete product from cart. search customer and choose customer and Place order on behalf of customer

Admin app for WooCommerce(圖5)-速報App


- Set Store Name, Store Image, Store URL and Api Keys and secrets. Ability to customer image for store, Image selected from cameral roll

- Both http and https are supported. Add URL starting from http or https i.e http://example.com

Push Notification

- Get Push Notification on New Order

- Get Push Notification on Low Stock

- Get Push Notification on New Customer

- Push notification supports unlimited devices and configurable on each device

Admin app for WooCommerce(圖6)-速報App

Note - This service require wordpress plugin to be installed on your site

Extended Charts

- User can choose their desired chart type. Total 8 charts are available for review reports of your store. They are Bar Chart, Pie Chart, 3D Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Line Chart, Column Chart, Step Chart and Scatter Chart

Payment methods

- View and manage payment methods


To use WooCommerce admin app you must be using:

- WooCommerce 3.2.3 or later.

Admin app for WooCommerce(圖7)-速報App

- WordPress 4.4.x or later.

- Pretty permalinks Enabled in Wordpress > Settings > Permalinks.

Note : To setup your app, read instructions in settings page of an app or contact us at support@mstoreapp.com

Admin app for WooCommerce(圖8)-速報App